by bridesmom on Fri Sep 14, 2012 10:18 pm
Libby, reactions to blood transfusions are quite common, and thankfully they picked up on it quickly. It's kind of like a transplant (just a bit) and the body recognizes that this is something that isn't natural for it and it starts to fight against it. Kind of like an allergic reaction, hence the Benydryl. It's also very common for people to loose alot of blood during a surgical procedure like that and 'topping' them up is standard procedure. It sounds like she is in excellent hands! And the fact that she is up and walking is marvelous! No more of the keeping people in bed for weeks on end anymore, it's up and at it, the sooner you get moving the faster you seem to heal. Awesome stuff!
Go Canucks!
Asking a quilter to mend something is like asking Picasso to paint your garage