I started taking it several years ago and took it for maybe 3-4 years. I did so in the hopes that I would sleep better. Didn't help from what I could tell. Didn't help with much of anything that I could tell so I quit. Since then I've realized that my hormones were still perfectly fine at that time.
A few months ago I started with the hot flashes. UGH! Pretty mild actually from what I've heard but they were a nuisance just the same. I noticed that Costco had a sale, $3.00 off of a box. I thought why not? The pills (1 per day now) also have several vitamins and supplements. Couldn't hurt, might help.
This was about 6 weeks ago that I started up again. Lo and behold! I haven't had a hot flash now for the last week or so! Could Estroven actually work? Seems like it. The flashes stopped rather abruptly and the package does say it's important to give it a couple of months or so to see results.
Regardless, I'm going to keep taking Estroven.