Guess by now, y'all are tired of hearing about my medical challenges. I thought with the defibillator that I would start having some energy but a new quirk has popped up. My thyroid is functioning so low that I can barely get out of bed. I go back to the doctor again next Thursday to have my medicine adjusted once again. I take Synthroid (50mg) daily but evidently that is not enough. It seems like it's one thing after another. The good news is that my HA1C is 4.8 which means my diabetes is under control. My cholesterol was up so I have to cut the LDL's (bad stuff) & get it back down. Guess eating too much margarine & cheese on my foods or eating out is causing that. While my insurance isn't the best in the world, I am thankful to have it. My FIL wasn't kidding when he told me "Getting old is hell".