Lennie, my detergent I make dry, as we tend to have mold grow in just about everything damp around here. A lovely thought, I'm sure.
The basic recipe:
1 part shredded soap -
1 part washing soda - NOT baking soda. But Arm & Hammer does make washing soda. You should be able to find it cheap in the laundry aisle, or you can pay an arm & a leg for it on amazon.
1 part borax - such as borateam.
Mix it all together, and use 2 tablespoons per load.
Since I have really hard water, I use 1 1/2 parts of borax, and my whites are actually white now, instead of gray!
Also, as before I switched to homemade laundry soap, whenever I wash permanent press, I use a scoop of oxyclean.
For the shredded soap, the smaller you shred it the easier it is for it to dissolve. And since I mostly wash in cold water, smaller is a must. Use whatever kind of soap you like best. You can use pretty much anything, or even the bar washing soaps that are supposed to be so good at getting out stains. I've used Zoats (unfortunately, it has a scent) and unscented castile bar soap. Next up in the line up will be the glycerine soap dd and I make & use (melt & pour).