by Mule on Mon Feb 27, 2012 12:00 am
I see a few solid pieces, and then the rest appear to be gathered and on the bias. If it were my project, I would approach it this way:
[*]Make a pattern for the bodice with a piece for each section (don't forget seam allowances)
[*]Make a long strip of pleated fabric to use
[*]Cut the appropriate pieces from the gathered strip or regular fabric
One way to make the gathered strip:
[*]Figure out how wide it needs to be by looking at the widest piece and adding on seam allowances
[*]Figure out approximately how long it needs to be. Probably easier to make a little extra than calculate exactly.
[*]Cut a piece of fabric with the width and length based on the measurements figured above.
[*]Cut a second piece of fabric the same width, but 2-3 times the length -- depending on how much gathering you want. (Test pieces would probably be a good idea!)
[*]Run two rows of gathering stitches along each long edge of the longer piece.
[*]Gather the edges until the piece matches the flat piece in length, and baste the two pieces together on the long edges.
When using the pattern pieces to cut sections from the gathered strip, I would suggest first cutting to appropriate length (don't forget seam allowances). Then lay your pattern piece on top of the strip and mark the shape of your cutting line. Then baste inside the line prior to cutting. Otherwise you will lose your gathers.
There may be better ways to do this, but it's what I would try if it were my project. Good luck!