by bridesmom on Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:24 pm
Mon Sept 26
48 humboldt fog The cheese is creamy, light, powdery, slightly lemony and mildly goaty. California
123 sancerre Young Sancerre has a fresh "white wine" fruitiness. When aged, it has a strong, nutty, goaty taste. Sancerre is a table cheese and often is added to salads.
71 livarot The cheese is circled by five bands of rush leaves that prevent the cheese from collapsing during maturing. These five bands are reminiscent of the five stripes, a colonel wears on his uniform, for this reason the cheese is known as the Colonel.
113 queso blanco The name simply means "white cheese". It resembles a cross between mozzarella and salty cottage cheese.
35 friesla excellent hard sheep's milk cheese that usually has a boulder shape. The cheese has a sweet taste and the flavor suggests a hint of blackcurrants and a delicious, almond finish
Go Canucks!
Asking a quilter to mend something is like asking Picasso to paint your garage