Not much action, huh?

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Re: Not much action, huh?

New postby Sancin on Thu Apr 01, 2010 3:14 pm

So, what are you doing today?
Spending too much time on this computer and not getting out and about. I am going to look at and price gas fireplaces as we soon will not be able to burn a wood one in our polluted city and there are a few rebates on. Of course one on the reasons' I am reluctant to go out is the air quality is terrible from dust that I have a head ache! Then I will go to Costo and buy myself some nice cut flowers for Easter.
What's for dinner?
Probably whatever looks good at Costco!
Any sewing going on?
Nope, but organizing and making lists. Restacking my 'need to do' in priority piles .... under the ironing pile
What's the weather like?
As it has been for weeks, grey, but warmish. I am actually hoping for rain to wash some of the dust in the air down. They swept my parking lot yesterday and I think all my air filters are plugged. It is brown, brown, brown everywhere with a few small very dirty piles of snow in the shaded areas. But some green around the edges giving hope of things to come. A few small spring bulbs blooming and bigger ones trying

The grouch
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God put me on this earth to sew and finish a certain number of things. I am so far behind now.....I will never die!.......If I stitch fast enough does it count as an aerobic exercise?
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Re: Not much action, huh?

New postby MartySews2 on Thu Apr 01, 2010 4:19 pm

Today (April 1st) it was a visit to the chiropractor & then home for lunch. After lunch, DH took me to the eye doctor for my 6 month exam. The diabetes has not affected my eyes yet & there are not any signs of glaucoma. Whoopee!!! It's so much fun having one's eyes dialated. I can wait a year for my next exam. Home then for a nap & computer time. Tonight, I will work on hemming the pants for a nursing home resident. The fabric has shredded where there is supposed to be a hem. I will cut those 2 inches off, serge around the pant legs & then put in a narrow hem on the sewing machine. That way, tomorrow, I can return them to the nursing home. Dinner is smothered steak, buttered noodles & broccoli. Don't forget to watch Project Runway tonight.
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Re: Not much action, huh?

New postby Shellymoon on Thu Apr 01, 2010 8:47 pm

I am getting a kick out of hearing how there have been records for lack of snow in parts north. What's funny is that the Dallas area has made records for the amount of snow we got this year. Something wonky going on here!

Kaitlyn, I should have the shirt finished this weekend. I put it together last weekend but it's too big. Once that's fixed and I do the hem, I'll be good. About another hour or so of work. I'm off tomorrow and plan to work on it a bit. Have to get stuff for Easter baskets, and then go to the Good Friday service. DH is working and DD has a school project to work on and a job interview in the afternoon. So, I am a free woman for one day.
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Re: Not much action, huh?

New postby DorothyL on Fri Apr 02, 2010 5:36 am

I am getting a kick out of hearing how there have been records for lack of snow in parts north. What's funny is that the Dallas area has made records for the amount of snow we got this year. Something wonky going on here!

Yeah -- I'm getting a kick out of it too!!!

So, what are you doing today?

Today I am typing all day putting the piles of information I gathered on Wednesday into my computer and filing it. There was so much my battery ran out before I got it all typed. That rarely happens with this computer but this week was insane.
And I still have to talk to a couple Republican women.

What's for dinner?
Ham and cheese soup.

Any sewing going on?
Probably not today.

What's the weather like?
Another beautiful one predicted. Lucy and I sat in the sun and read a book for about two hours yesterday afternoon. It was glorious. I hope to get a little of that in today as well if I can.

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Re: Not much action, huh?

New postby HeyJudee on Fri Apr 02, 2010 7:45 am

Shellymoon wrote:I am getting a kick out of hearing how there have been records for lack of snow in parts north. What's funny is that the Dallas area has made records for the amount of snow we got this year. Something wonky going on here!

Me too! It's been the best winter here in a long time. For right now...I'm a fan of climate change. :roll:

For today
I'm going to be trying to clean my house...It has gotten out of hand this winter. Gotta straighten things out as I'm having visitors next weekend. And a 4 day long weekend is perfect to do this...if I don't procrastinate... :hand:

What's for dinner?
Probably salad and roast pork loin.

Any sewing?
I'm hoping to resetup my sewing machine in my sewing room. I went to a quilt-a-thon for Victoria's Quilts Canada last week and my machine has been sitting in the bag since I came home. And if I do finish some of my cleaning, I'm going to reward myself with doing some practicing of free motion quilting. Have a bunch of UFO quilts to do and I'm a little rusty so need to get back into the groove.

Whats the Weather like?
Super sunny and not a cloud in the sky. We're suppose to have a record high today 24C. Oh yeah, one of my priorities is to get my lawn chair out of the shed so that I can take a break now and then this weekend and sit out and enjoy the best Easter temps of my life. Usually it's the May long weekend (third weekend of May) that we hope to have weather to enable us to sit outside. :celebrate:
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Re: Not much action, huh?

New postby Sancin on Fri Apr 02, 2010 4:11 pm

HeyJudee wrote:
Shellymoon wrote:We're suppose to have a record high today 24C.

Holy Cow - that's August weather here in Prince George- and just too hot for me!!!!! :o
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God put me on this earth to sew and finish a certain number of things. I am so far behind now.....I will never die!.......If I stitch fast enough does it count as an aerobic exercise?
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Re: Not much action, huh?

New postby Mom of Six on Fri Apr 02, 2010 5:24 pm

I had the day off work & am more tired than when I gp to work. I went back to bed ( after a trip to the bathroom) & slept until 10. at 11 DD called &said that my grandson who stayed with her last night was sick & they were going to Pizza Hut for lunch so could I keep him. Well since his brother was already here I had both grandsons. & 18 YO who was supposed to help me today went to lunch with her. DD came back about 2:30 with DGDS & my 18 & 25YO DDS. We colored Easter eggs & then had an egg hunt here. 2 DD & DGDS & younger DGS left about 4:30 to go to a Mother of Multiple group activity. Oldest DD Came here from work at 5:20 The rest came back at 5:30 for dinner of fish sticks & mac & cheese. They have all gone home now & I came up to check emails before I go clean my messy kitchen & do dishes so I can get up & be to my sister's by 9:30 AM to fill eggs for a hunt on Sunday.

No sewing today!!! Maybe tomorrow? After I make my Carrot Cake for Sunday's dinner.
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Re: Not much action, huh?

New postby Mom of Six on Fri Apr 02, 2010 5:32 pm

OK I just got a big scare!!!
While I was typing my last message the phone rang. It was DH's cell # on caller ID but no one said anything.
I went running downstairs to check & see what was wrong. He must have leaned on iy just right & pocket called me! He is outside doing yard work & I was sure something was wrong! Ok now I am settled down some & should go clean the kitchen.
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Re: Not much action, huh?

New postby lendube on Fri Apr 02, 2010 5:55 pm

Haha, Barb, you got butt-dialed! Glad that's all it was. I used to get butt-dialed all the time by dh. I'd just listen for a while. He'd do it often as he was getting out of his car and I'd hear the ding, ding, ding of the car door and him going where ever, talking to people. Cracked me up but there wasn't anything I could do about it. He has since gotten a new case for his phone and I stopped getting those calls.

Today I did some housework but not much, mostly dusting. I volunteered at the library for two hours then came home and walked the dogs with ds, 2 miles. Really just kind of puttered around other than that.

No sewing but I might mess around a bit with free-motion before I fix dinner.

Dinner will be filet mignon for dh and ds, and I'll join in with fresh peas, mashed potatoes and a salad. Not big on meat.

The weather is gorgeous. We had 2 inches of dry, soft snow yesterday morning and it was gone by 11. Today's high was in the upper 60's and just beautiful. Still is.

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Re: Not much action, huh?

New postby Mom of Six on Fri Apr 02, 2010 7:49 pm

Yesterday we set a new record high temp of 79 degrees. Today it hit 79 again but the record is 81.
Kitchen is mostly clean, still some dishes that don't go in the dishwasher. I'll do those tomorrow after I bake my cake for Sunday. I did end up going in & sewing the shorts to go under the girl's circle skirts.
My newest DVD to watch while sewing is My three Son's TV show. It is season 1. I wish they had the later seasons! I like the ones after Ernie came better.
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