by esrun3 on Fri Feb 20, 2009 3:03 pm
I've been busy moving but did want to take a little time to let you all know what I've received so far...
and it was fun getting mail at my new addy!!
Beautiful purples from Krystal & CHeryl and a great pink from Debby! Love them all!! That's different fabric, Debby, hadn't seen that one before-I like the wording on it!
Thanks gals! Such pretty colors, all of them.
Carman, is there a sign up yet for next month? Do we know what we are doing for the next few months? Just trying to catch up here-I'll still be on and off sporadically until I get everything put away, altho the pathway in the garage gets larger every day-I might even get my car in there one day!! LOL