by LeapFrog Libby on Wed May 14, 2014 4:38 pm
Yes Marty, I haven't tried the differential feed out yet, but that is one thing I was looking forward to. My old sergerdid not have diff. feed and everytime I tried to do lettuce edging , I would end up breaking a needle. (too much tugging). That is one thing I have enjoyed with the Lauren. If it will last half as long as my first one, I will be happy. 22 years on # 1. and I only paid $279.00 for it. This new one was really almost the same machine. Few improvements are Diff Feed, better instructions, including a DVD which is great, and a few other items. new one was not on sale so it was the regular $ 300.00. Still a bargain ! I really like it and now I fly on it like I used to on the old one. I kinda took it easy at first, til I got used to it.
Sew With Love