Hi, my name is Kaitlin, and I'm a fabricaholic.
Yes, that's me, just about one hour ago. After doing some thinking about the new stash challenge, I decided one of my personal goals would be to really organize my stash. So, with a ton of help from DH, the non-sewing things I hadn't used in over a year went out of my sewing room and into plastic storage boxes in the basement, and we began moving my stash into the living room where I could spread it out and try to put it in some kind of order. I was completely overwhelmed! I had no idea it had gotten this bad. I've only been sewing for 2 years -- how could I have accumulated so much fabric?? I can't imagine what it would be like if I had been sewing for 30 years! I don't buy very expensive fabrics, but I still hate to think how much money I've spent.
After I got over the initial shock, I started organizing. It actually went surprisingly quickly -- I made a pile for fabrics I might want to use soon for the spring and summer, then sorted the rest by type - knits, fleece, bottomweights, cotton prints, etc. We filled up several large storage bins, but I am happy to say my sewing room is doing much better. There is still a little bit left to organize, but it will wait until tomorrow.
Now, to address the problem -- it has to stop! I just feel guilty about all those fabrics sitting there, not being used. From now on I am only going to buy fabric for the next 2 or 3 projects (if they are not coming from stash). The only exception will be if I really (really) love the fabric, but just don't have the time/need for it right now -- maybe if it were an awesome special occasion fabric, etc. NOT if it's a great deal but I'm just lukewarm about the fabric. That's what got me into this trouble! My tastes have changed a lot over the last 2 years, and I look at some of these fabrics and think, "Yuck! Why did I buy that??" I don't want that happening 2 years from now.
Anyway...I'd better get to bed before the stash monsters come out and get me! Any suggestions or commiseration would be much appreciated.