Baby quilt backing too small

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Baby quilt backing too small

New postby kjh9835 on Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:17 am

After pre-washing, it has shrunk so much that now the edges are the same size as the fabric but the top/bottom have extra, doesn't help turning the quilt top around the other direction.

So, whacking some off all the way around makes it less than crib size but still useable. Do I whack it off now or do I wait until I have it quilted knowing that I will go off the edge on two sides?

The green was horrible to try to match and I didn't want to use black on a baby quilt. I usually get 1/4 yard extra to allow for shrinkage and cutting it straight but evidently that wasn't enough for this fabric and I don't think they have any more because I bought nearly the end of the bolt.

Or, this is more labor but could I cut black and do a border around the green backing making it kinda sorta reversible? I know you can piece backings together so I think that would work?

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Re: Baby quilt backing too small

New postby LeapFrog Libby on Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:26 am

Kathy, If you have seen many quilts on this site and others, you have seen a lot of them with backs that are pieced in some manner or other. A lot of the have a different strip down the middle to make them reach all 4 sides.. and some just have large squares of different fabrics for a backing.. I don't think even the quilt police require the back to be one solid piece of fabric..LOL
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Re: Baby quilt backing too small

New postby carman on Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:18 am

i agree, 90% of all quilt backs are pieced, only the very odd one of mine do not have something on the back to make it bigger :o

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Re: Baby quilt backing too small

New postby kjh9835 on Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:36 am

That settles that then, black it is. I try to make the baby quilts with one piece backings as it is only supposed to take a yard for the super sized nine patch that I usually make. I don't always buy enough to do three but have figured out how much of each print/solid to buy to make it look the same. I just finished making the sandwich for the blue one but have run out of thread so its a good thing I'm going to town today. I also need interfacing for the purse/backpacks I'm doing. I hate living 35 minutes from the store!

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Re: Baby quilt backing too small

New postby HeyJudee on Tue Oct 23, 2012 11:35 am

I almost always have to piece my backs. The one I'm working on now will probably have a pieced back as well...this time in order to get it long enough. So I say...go for piecing it.
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Re: Baby quilt backing too small

New postby bridesmom on Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:45 pm

I love piecing backs, I use fabrics from the front as well as the main fabric I use for the back. I tend to not try to centre it, or border it, but will slash at 1/3 to 1/4 of the way, add my piece and then if I need length, slash the whole resewn piece and add another strip. Makes it kind of reversible. If I'm doing blocks on the front I try to make sure I have enough extra to also put in a row on the back. If you don't put it on the outside edge you don't have to worry about getting it in the exact center. Man am I making any sense at all???? Here's some pics of some of my quilt backs.
amanda ray quilt1.jpg
amanda ray quilt1.jpg (31.82 KB) Viewed 8801 times
curtis 002.jpg
curtis 002.jpg (40.5 KB) Viewed 8817 times
challenge 002.jpg
challenge 002.jpg (103.67 KB) Viewed 8798 times
Brads 30 back (Small).JPG
Brads 30 back (Small).JPG (64.91 KB) Viewed 8815 times
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Re: Baby quilt backing too small

New postby kjh9835 on Wed Oct 24, 2012 4:24 am

Very nice. I do have some smaller pieces of the prints left so maybe I will get creative and incorporate those into the back of the green one. They are the same Veggie Tale print in the centers and the corners but the sides/top/bottom pieces are blue on one and green on the other, the blue one has green binding and the green one has blue binding. I will post pics when I get them both done. I've been up most of the night so not sure how much sewing I'll get done today, If I don't get a nap then I won't be able to sew with a sleep deprived brain.

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Re: Baby quilt backing too small

New postby temom on Thu Oct 25, 2012 5:32 pm

Where oh where did you find Vegi Tales fabric?????
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Re: Baby quilt backing too small

New postby kjh9835 on Thu Oct 25, 2012 6:44 pm

These are not the ones I have but I did get mine from this website. I had the initial piece for an Easter basket this year for a coworker who brought me the fabric. I asked if she wanted the leftovesr or could I make a quilt for her and she said yes to the quilt so I bought some of the coordinating fabrics but never made it. Since I'm low on fabrics, I'm using up what I have just to keep busy. I doubt she still wants one and I don't know if she even still works there but the kids told me Veggie Tales are still popular and the quilts would probably sell.

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