dd19 has decided to redo her room at her dads and asked if I would make her a quilt from strips of fabric. She picked out two prints and two solids and will purchase them in the next few weeks hoping that I can get it done for her Christmas. I know you can buy pre-made jelly rolls but the ones I've found have different number of strips per roll and since I will have to cut my own strips, I am trying to figure out how much of each fabric she needs to purchase.
She wants the strips all different lengths so there will be seam allowances to account for there depending on how many pieces I sew together to get the final length. I realize the overall size will be the same regardless of how many strips I have to sew together but I don't know how much total fabric to tell her to purchase. If she gets a bit more it's not a big deal, I'd rather have a little extra than be short but since she is buying the fabric I don't want it to cost her way more just to have a bunch left over.