Boy, this place is like a ghost town lately.

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Re: Boy, this place is like a ghost town lately.

New postby bridesmom on Sun Jun 06, 2010 10:02 pm

Great looking family!! It hasn't been warm enough here for even shorts!!! I'm jealous!
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Re: Boy, this place is like a ghost town lately.

New postby momquilts on Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:59 am

Thank you for the compliments! We officially had a heat wave, the temps reached 90 or more for 5 straight days and it didn't cool at night so the pool water temps have been in the mid to high 80s. We had a storm last evening so the air temps are down now. It went to the 50s overnight so the water temp has probably dropped quite a bit :(. Hopefully they will stay steady so I can get this child used to being outside and in the water. I practically live at my parents once school is out as that is where the pool is. DH knows that if I am not there on a raft, I have probably gone to the beach for the day. The ocean is about a 45 minute drive and my preferred place to sun but the pool is a real close second. I don't get a lot of sewing or quilting done in the summer unless it rains or I can stay awake past 8 pm.
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Re: Boy, this place is like a ghost town lately.

New postby bridesmom on Tue Jun 08, 2010 10:01 pm

DH went out tonight, so I am watching 'America's got Talent' and playing on the computer. Work is crazy crazy busy!! Last night I fell asleep on the couch about 9, DH woke me at 9:30 and I went to bed and slept right through until 5:30 this morning. My big plans for this coming weekend are to pull out a cedar hedge that runs along the edge of our front yard. If I can convince DH that he really wants to work in the yard on Sat! :D
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