Stash Challenge?

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Stash Challenge?

New postby pucktricks on Sat Oct 25, 2008 9:16 pm

Are we going to do another stash challenge this year? I'm looking at all the Christmas sewing I have to do, and don't know how I'm getting it done, and was thinking about our challenge last year.

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Re: Stash Challenge?

New postby kaitlinnegan on Sun Oct 26, 2008 12:46 pm

I think that's a great idea! I certainly would like to see some of my stash be sewn up. Gina's a bit busy these days, but perhaps you would like to organize the challenge, Ticia? :)
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Re: Stash Challenge?

New postby pucktricks on Sat Nov 01, 2008 8:23 am

I'll think on it, and how all we'd like to do it. Any suggestions anyone?

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Re: Stash Challenge?

New postby StitchNTime on Sat Nov 01, 2008 8:48 am

I think it would be a great motivator for me...I'd join in.
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Re: Stash Challenge?

New postby kaitlinnegan on Sat Nov 01, 2008 10:18 am

Here's a link to the rules from last year's challenge - maybe they will give you some ideas: Stash Challenge 2007. A few things to decide on:

What will be counted? Yardage, number of finished projects? I think I like yardage totals idea.

Any restrictions on what counts? Last years contest only counted finished projects - either finished quilts, or garments ready to be worn. Would finished muslins count if they are not wearable?

What dates will the contest run?

How many winners (Ah, but we are all winners!)? Will there be a prize?
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Re: Stash Challenge?

New postby Mom of Six on Sat Nov 01, 2008 11:20 am

I would say muslins count as long as they are a completed item. I don't know if they would count if you only made 1/2 pair of pants or something like that. I think the best prize is reducing the stash!
I would be willing to keep track of peoples total yardage amounts since I am on here every day as long as everything is reported in 1/4 yd increments (no 1/3 yds or inches) just round things to the nearest 1/4.
Do we count extras as yardage? I am thinking towels for bibs or kitchen towels. I would say just fabric yarage or ribbing would count.
Let me know if you want me to keep track. also what dates we want. I would say start soon since everyone is starting their Christmas sewing.
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Re: Stash Challenge?

New postby temom on Sat Nov 01, 2008 11:30 am

I like simple. A prize is nice, but in today's economy, it might not be doable, especially if the prize is to be shipped across borders, ponds, etc.

The stash challenge was a lot of fun, and I would love to participate.

Did we pm our yardage last year, or did we post directly to the link? Would it be easier for the person doing the tallying if we pm'd the amounts? It seems that last year a lot of the fun was the chatter that the challenge brought about. If we pm'd our yardage, we could still post it in the thread.
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Re: Stash Challenge?

New postby Mom of Six on Sat Nov 01, 2008 11:40 am

last year we posted our yardage in the subject line of the reply. I think that would be the easiest then it doesn't get lost in the chatter & I do love the chatter!
What if we start on Monday & instead of registering you just post yardage as you finish items & then it doesn't matter when you start. It can be UFOs or new projects as long as all fabric is in your stash before Monday. (But it does defeat the purpose if you go & stock up tomorrow just to compete)

This might motivate me to get the aprons done that I am making for a craft show on Nov. 21 & 22. I have some cut out but nothing sewn yet since it has been the week from H**L at work this week. I just come home each night & colapse except the 2 days all my kids & grandkids were here.
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Re: Stash Challenge?

New postby kaitlinnegan on Sat Nov 01, 2008 2:13 pm

Ok, tell you what - since I am here every day anyway, I will volunteer to tally the yardage. :D Let's plan on a start date of Monday, November 3. :dance:

Any ideas for an end date? Last time we started in October and ended on December 31. What if we ended at the end of January? That would give us some time after the holidays to "catch up," and also include all that holiday sewing a lot of you do.

Let's try and get the rules hammered out so we can post them tomorrow. I'm thinking that the rules will be pretty much the same as last time, with the addition that muslins/fitting garments count even if they are not wearable in public. Ticia, would you like to write something up, or should I? I can make your post sticky if you want to write up the rules.
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Re: Stash Challenge?

New postby Pudge99 on Sat Nov 01, 2008 2:15 pm

Glad to see ya'll are getting this going. Sorry I couldn't organize it for you this year. I'm really slacking on the job aren't I? :roll: Ahh well as we all know LIFE likes to get in the way sometimes.
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