by sewingrandma on Mon Jan 18, 2016 1:47 pm
Finally found enough time to sit down and play with my cover stitch machine. I had done some research earlier on Debbie Cook's blog (she has a lot of info if interested) and also checked out pattern review. My machine uses regular sewing machine needles, the longer needles hit the looper. Ball point needles #80 were recommended, nets on the thread, differential at 1 or one click up from one if the fabric has lycra in it, loosen the tension, and use regular thread on the needles and serger thread on the looper. I switched the needles to ball point, put nets on my thread but still used serger thread on needles and looper since I don't have much regular thread any more. My differential is at one most of the time anyways. I stitched many different swatches at least 12 inches long and no skipped stitches. I don't know which helped but the stitching looks better than it has in a few weeks. Note, I did not loosen my tensions as I felt they were loose enough. When I bought my machine it came with 100 size 90 universal needles. Luckily I've been stocking up on ball point and stretch needles when the notions wall is 50% off at Hancock's or Joann's.