I hate to talk politics but I guess I remember a simpler time and just wish it could go back, we don't all need the latest, best-est, brightest, newest, whatever in the world all the time...
But it seems the 20's somethings and olders have that mindset and even some of their grandparents buy everything under the sun for the grand kids, and the toys break, and the kids just expect things to be replaced.
Where hubby and me work, its sad because the toys the POS director buys are all made in third world countries and fall apart if you look at them wrong, and the kids just throw things around, they don't care, and the parents don't make the kids care or mind, the parents are just trying to make ends meet,.. oh I could go on and on, but I won't !!
I am going to a sewing thingy at my sewing machine shop in December where a lady from a Facebook group is coming to show about making one of her items, its Embroidery Garden Reen Wilcoxsen if anyone knows her, I'm excited to go, I went to a Anita Goodesign thing 2 years ago shortly after I got my current machine but haven't gone to anything like this since. I will get to sew on a Brother Dream machine.. how exciting!!!