by sewingrandma on Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:06 am
We've all talked birds we've seen in our yards. Yesterday I noticed a bird flying around our grill. Today I thought I had better check it out. Opened the lid and the grate had a huge nest all ready for eggs. We had just used the grill on Sunday so I know that bird was busy this week, all the leaves, dried grass and fresh grass and clumps of dirt plus bits of fluff/lint. I'm going to have to hose out the inside of the grill before we use it again because of all the debris that has fallen down from the building of the nest. I feel bad that I had to remove the nest and I'm keeping the lid open to discourage the bird from rebuilding, but we use our grill often year round. Anyone else have nests in strange places? One year in another home we had to stop using our front door because a swallow made her nest and laid eggs before we noticed. Our neighbor had a poodle and the swallow would dive bomb the dog and pull its fur and pad her nest with it on a regular basis.