XILB51X Serger Journey

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XILB51X Serger Journey

New postby xilb51x on Tue Jul 01, 2014 9:27 am

Hello all!
I tried to search but I didn't find any thing for the issue Im having.

I just purchased a serger (brother 1034D) for making pocket squares for myself and maybe to sell online. (I would like to make ties and bowties not sure if the serger is the right tool for this) However I wanted to do a rolled edge on the sides of the squares to finish them and add a bit of color to the edges! the issue I am running into is the material (cotton) is bunching up and creating a ruffled affect.and when I try to un-bunch it the stitch comes apart and I have to start over! my question is this.

1.is this user error and i need to control or give tension the the material?
2.a thread tension setting? if so which looper?
3. is this a differential feed setting?
4. is the stitch length to close together for the cotton material?
5. is this an adjustment on the stitch width lever?

current settings
Upperlooper thread tension at =5
Lowerlooper thread tension at=7
Right needle thread tension at=4 changed to 0 and this helped but still getting ruffling
Stitch length adjustment dial- set to R
Differential feed ratio adjustment lever- set at .07 and moved to 1
Stitch finger-removed
Stitch width lever-R
knife is set to cut

if anyone has any tips or guides to make neckties and bowties using a serger I would really appreciate it!

thanks for the help in advance and I apologize if this topic has been covered, if it has please share the link!
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Re: XILB51X Serger Journey

New postby MartySews2 on Tue Jul 01, 2014 8:39 pm

Sounds like the differential feed is off. Check your manual for the correct settings. The 1034D is a great machine.
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Re: XILB51X Serger Journey

New postby xilb51x on Wed Jul 02, 2014 8:04 am

MartySews2 wrote:Sounds like the differential feed is off. Check your manual for the correct settings. The 1034D is a great machine.

the manual said .07. I set everything to what the manual said. this caused the bunching, however lowering the needle looper tension did help a bit. but Im getting some bunching? could this be my fault, should i hold tension on the material? front and back?
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Re: XILB51X Serger Journey

New postby MartySews2 on Wed Jul 02, 2014 1:53 pm

No, I don't think that you have to hold tension when serging. You could be stretching the fabric which would cause some rippling and bunching when your grip is relaxed. I'll have to download the manual and go to the troubleshooting page to try to get an answer for you.
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Re: XILB51X Serger Journey

New postby sewingrandma on Wed Jul 02, 2014 6:46 pm

I don't have a brother serger (yet but I'm looking at them) but I know on my white serger the settings recommended don't necessarily do the best stitching. Each machine has their own quirks and boy do sergers get quirky at times. Many times all you have to do is walk away for a while and when you go back it is fine! I've I have a notebook where I have sat down at my machine and practiced on different types of fabric and wrote down the settings for that fabric and I've kept each practice piece to remind me of the fabric type also. I've also got several different serger books and the one I like the best is a book from the Singer library Sewing with an Overlock. It has pictures of actual stitching with the tensions off with instructions on what has to be done to get the tensions correct. Your problem could also be the weight and or drape of you fabric that is giving your serger fits too. I recently was serging on a very soft drapey knit and my machine was not at all happy with it and I spent hours trying to get it to stitch and cut properly.
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Re: XILB51X Serger Journey

New postby sewingmom on Sat Jul 05, 2014 6:19 pm

It sounds to me that it may be the old problem of needing to completely rethread. Sometimes I just can't find what the problem is and no changing of settings really works till I rethread. (A pain in the petootie with my ancient White serger). It occasionally is the only remedy. That usually finds where a threading not quiet right somewhere. I also find that the settings in the serger manual are good guidelines but are not fabric specific and fine tuning is the only way to get the settings correct. I have a notebook with samples of my stitches on fabric swatches. it is especially helpful for rolled hems on different types of fabrics. You might try a 2 thread overcast hem. This hem is delicate looking and nice on thin cottons or sheers.
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Re: XILB51X Serger Journey

New postby Skye on Sat Jul 05, 2014 10:23 pm

if you cant get the rolled hem to work try a narrow three thread
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Re: XILB51X Serger Journey

New postby Skye on Mon Dec 08, 2014 7:21 pm

try differential 0 = neutral. If you have high diff and increased needle tensions you will get gathers.

I agree you need to sit with the manual , thread with different coloured thread ,let the machine feed the fabric and do lots of samples.
Make sure that you are using the correct needle and that it is a new one.
Check your pressure foot pressure.
Are there any You tube clips for this machine?

found a you tube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6XhDRjJRYY
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