- 28 lanyards
- a whole bunch of lanyards.jpg (20.43 KB) Viewed 29305 times

- close up of 2 lanyards
- 2 lanyards.jpg (14.89 KB) Viewed 28613 times
Well I am finally feeling better. I still have a dry cough, but that is pretty much it. I haven't had the energy to post much lately, so I'm sorry for not letting everyone know how much I like their projects. Love the pink ribbon quilt, and the nightgowns look cozy. I like the style, it looks like a quick project. If you have the pattern number handy, I would like to add that to my arsenal!
I finally finished some of my Christmas sewing. Today DH delivered 28 lanyards to his work peeps (they wear name tags), and the lanyards count for only 2.5 yards of fabric.
Right before supper tonight I finished the back packs for my work peeps (we don't wear name tags). I made a few extra for volunteers and such. The 12 backpacks count for 4 yards.
Not much, but I am glad to have finished them. I won't get to the Christmas pjs until tomorrow or later, but hopefully I will get them done before winter is over (we have a very short winter down here).