So, what are you doing today?
Spending too much time on this computer and not getting out and about. I am going to look at and price gas fireplaces as we soon will not be able to burn a wood one in our polluted city and there are a few rebates on. Of course one on the reasons' I am reluctant to go out is the air quality is terrible from dust that I have a head ache! Then I will go to Costo and buy myself some nice cut flowers for Easter.
What's for dinner?
Probably whatever looks good at Costco!
Any sewing going on?
Nope, but organizing and making lists. Restacking my 'need to do' in priority piles .... under the ironing pile
What's the weather like?
As it has been for weeks, grey, but warmish. I am actually hoping for rain to wash some of the dust in the air down. They swept my parking lot yesterday and I think all my air filters are plugged. It is brown, brown, brown everywhere with a few small very dirty piles of snow in the shaded areas. But some green around the edges giving hope of things to come. A few small spring bulbs blooming and bigger ones trying
The grouch