by bridesmom on Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:48 pm
Well, no pictures yet, cause I haven't unpacked anything, but I quilted two small quilts and did 3 pieced scrap tops at the quilt retreat. Since it was my very first one, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I have been to women's retreats before, but this was so weird, imagine 10 women in a room and no one talking, just the hum of machines. It was totally therapeutic, and wonderful and exhausting. Some of the work that the women were putting out was phenomenal, one of them is hoping to have one of her quilts accepted in the Houston show, and it is amazing. I will post some pictures this week, but for now, I'm just going to catch up on computer stuff and go to bed early again tonight, maybe tomorrow I'll be ready to do some more sewing! Some of the women sewed from 8 am Sat until 3:30am Sunday. I wasn't quite that diehard, but I did my share.
Go Canucks!
Asking a quilter to mend something is like asking Picasso to paint your garage