- Please keep the language, topics of conversation, and photos posted on this site PG-13. This site currently doesn't have censored words, and I would prefer to keep it that way. But if this freedom is abused, it will go away in a flash!
- Be polite and don't start or fuel flame wars! We are all friends here. Sometimes controversial topics come up, but, remember, if debates become too heated, feelings can get hurt.
- Non-sewing topics may be discussed in the Community area (Take a break, Home and Hearth, etc), which is intended for lighthearted and enjoyable discussions like you might find around a water cooler at work. However, any discussion or post that causes problems or drama will be locked or deleted. The Community area is intended for fun and community building, not proselytizing or arguing.
- Keep posts on topic, as much as you can. If you find a thread is veering away from the thread's original purpose, please post a new thread about the new topic! What I am mostly concerned about is people going off on a non-sewing related tangent in the sewing or quilting forums. I am going to leave this mostly up to the members to self-regulate, but I might occasionally send a gentle reminder or start a new thread for you if things start becoming too disorganized.
- Don't post copyrighted materials that aren't yours. If you want to post something from another website, please post a link rather than copying text or images.
- Post your thread in one place only. Try to pick the most specific forum that it suited to the topic of your post. If you post the same thing in multiple forums, all of them but one will be deleted. If you posted something in the wrong forum and want me to move it, just send me a PM. Occasionally, I will move posts if I feel they are a better fit in a different forum - please don't view this as punishment. I'm just trying to keep things organized!
- Please don't advertise anything you sell in your posts or signature. If you are posting for the purposes of getting business advice (Would this item sell? How much should I charge?), post in the Sewing/Quilting Businesses forum.
- If you see something inappropriate, please report the post (click the triangle with the exclamation point) or PM me. Do not reply to the post - it just makes a bigger mess for me to clean up!
Please understand that in addition to keeping things moving smoothly, I am ethically and legally responsible for what is posted on this site. I can't help but impose my own beliefs on the board to some extent, but I do not aim to stifle anyone's free speech within reason. I will edit or delete posts that I believe are inappropriate for this public forum. Remember that there are plenty of other outlets for posting on the internet if you do not agree with my judgment of what is or is not appropriate. If you repeatedly make troublesome or malicious posts and do not make an effort to cooperate with me, I will ban you from making further posts.
If everyone treats each other with kindness and respect, we should not have any problems!