As a hobby/side business, I refurbish vintage and newer, used sewing machines and sell them. Much of the money goes towards helping out my retired mother who's pension is way to small. She also finds most of the machines for me (she loves to go to garage sales, and this gives her a "mission") The rest is used toward some of my and my daughters sewing supplies, providing machines for just about every teenage friend of DD and DS and toward a small college fund for DD (a senior in H.S. at the moment). Anyhow, on an annual basis, it's not much money at all, but I still find a good use for it.
OK, that's the background, and here is the problem. As you know everyone's time is valuable these days. I really enjoy helping folks determine which one of my refurbished machines would suit them best. Not only to I take great pride and satisfaction in this pre-sales support and guidance, but I also eagerly provide any and all after sales support they might need or want. BUT, I find myself almost overwhelmed by folks asking for free advise and guidance on whether or not they should buy this or that machine at the thrift store, how to repair the one they bought off of eBay (not from me), etc...This can get pretty darn time consuming at times and I just don't always have the free time to address all their issues. When I have the time, I have tried to be as helpful to everyone as I can possibly be. I've also tried to post alot of this information on my blog for easy reference, but that doesn't all happen overnight either.
So, How I do I free myself diplomatically from this unpaid consulting service when I just don't have the time to do it without offending or insulting anyone?