Sorry to worry you all... but I think I just had a bug of some kind that got me sick. I started to feel better last night, I slept over 12 hrs last night
so I should feel better!!!
course I was sleeping alot any how over the last few days!!
I am eating right now, and my stomach/abdomen doesn't seem to mind the food!! We will see how today progresses but I think I can tell I am feeling better. Luckily so far neither hubby nor son have picked this up from me so that's good!!
Knew it wasn't gallbladder either because had that pains and sono after I had son and nothing showed up, and then a few yrs after that time.. had the same thing happen with pain on the Right side again and was checked for stones or anything and all was ok.. this time though the pain was more central and more in the intestinal area... anyway.. cereal went down good now, and I don't feel pukey so that's a step in the right direction!!!