In 1998 I had very strange episodes where I'd see "auras", have vision problems and speech problems. I'd turn syllables around and just speak gibberish when I'd try to talk or read. Things would be clear in my mind but I couldn't communicate clearly. I'd seldom have a headache though. I was scared and so was dh. I was referred to a neurologist and after many, many tests where nothing seemed wrong he felt confident in calling it a silent migraine. It happened quite often for about 4 or five years and never lasted too long and never caused much pain.
I've had maybe a handful of instances that it's come back since then but today it's here again. And this time I've got a headache. I'd call it a moderate headache even though I've taken 2 Ibuprofen now. It's been about an hour. I tried reading out loud and made no sense. That part seems a bit better again now but man, my eyes aren't focusing and my head hurts.
I've got two medium sewing jobs to do today and tomorrow. I've got one job to deliver this afternoon. I've got to wait for things to get back to normal. I don't trust myself working on expensive things right now. Wonder if it's my stupid hormones causing this again?
This is no fun at all. Sorry, needed to whine a bit. I so seldom have a headache so I feel sorry for myself.