Seat covers for someone else

Curtains, pillows, and more!

Re: Seat covers for someone else

New postby pucktricks on Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:07 pm

YOu've gotten lots of answers, so I'm probably not adding much, but here's my two cents.

1. It really seems like she was planning on you doing it all along, and has manipluated you into it, and that puts my hackles up into saying no just because.

2. If you do decide to do it, go with her to make sure she gets somethign you're willing to sew and that she gets the right amounts.

3. Also make sure ahead of time that she's not going to then come back later on and say "this isn't really what I was thinking." That could get frustrating.

I've had a few people ask me about sewing something for them, and it will really depend on what it is. If it's a garment or a quick little item, I'm willing to do that if I have some amount of control. But, if they want me to alter or mend an existing item, I'm just not comfortable doing that because I don't even alter my own RTW clothes.......

So, I didn't really add much, but felt like giving my redundant opinion :think: .

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Re: Seat covers for someone else

New postby Upholsteress on Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:32 pm

Actually ... Ticia made some good points. First.. are you replacing existing covers? Or is this a whole new thing?? How THICK is the cushion she has/wants? Are they simple or elaborate? I vote for simple since its a freebie job... (she really owes you lunch AT LEAST!!! Complete with margaritas! ;) )

You need to be certain you guys are on the same page with what she is expecting.

As for your question sewing mom... Here's an example... Your cushion is 24" x 24" x 2" deep. You will cut 2 "plates" 25.5"x 25.5" ... lay them right sides together, starting onthe BACK seam, 2" from the corner .. sew all the way around and stop 2" past the 4th corner. This leaves an opening in the back seam. Fold out your corners, matching the stitch line and stitch a seam perpendicular to the first stitching 1.5" in from the point. You should end up with a 2" tuck (1" high on each plate meeting in the middle. Do that on all 4 corners. Turn right side out, stuff in cushion.. fold under 1/2" seam allowance, pin together, shove under machine and stitch close to the edge. You're done.

Now.. These are VERY simple and basic. If she wants pouffy decorative cushions... we need to go another route -- I will have TONS of questions about the fill and she had darn well better pay you!!! :D :D :D

Does this answer your questions?? If not.. or if it raises more questions...just ask! :)

Oh.. and Lennie.. LOL!!! Thanks but... I cannot take credit for any "assertiveness"... I was just being "butt ugly" honest. :D
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Re: Seat covers for someone else

New postby SmilieFace on Sat Mar 21, 2009 6:46 pm

Thanks everyone, for weighing in. I guess I'll ask her what type of material she has, and see if she has some scrap fabric for me to try on my machine. She's certainly not the manipulative type (in fact, I think I owe her 2 or 3 "thank you" dinners), so I'd like to help if I can. Thanks for the instructions, Upholtress and Lennie. I also like the idea of using stitch witchery or some sort of iron hem tape. Then we could do them together -- in half the time. I think I'll talk to her Monday, and see what she's thinking...
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Re: Seat covers for someone else

New postby sewingmom on Sat Mar 21, 2009 8:25 pm

Thank you Cheryl!!!
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Re: Seat covers for someone else

New postby Upholsteress on Sun Mar 22, 2009 3:34 pm

Sewing Mom...

You are welcome.. but let me add that.. I NEVER make foam cushions without glueing dacron to the top and bottom. If you are planning to make some cushions ... follow the same formula -- no need to adjust for the dacron... that is what gives a nice full finish. DIY'ers can use 1/2" polyester batting... same sorta thing.
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I am a seamstress first... an upholsterer by trade... a flautist by heart... and forever a daughter of the Most High.
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Re: Seat covers for someone else

New postby sewingmom on Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:24 pm

Cheryl, a friend suggested to me a few months ago that she might want me to make some pillow covers for her. They are boxed edge bed pillows. She hasn't found the fabric she wants yet but I am still getting my ducks in a row on how to do it. I feel more confident with your instructions.
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Re: Seat covers for someone else

New postby Upholsteress on Mon Mar 23, 2009 7:33 am

Oh shoot.. you'll do fine! :) I'm here anything time.
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I am a seamstress first... an upholsterer by trade... a flautist by heart... and forever a daughter of the Most High.
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