WOOHOOO!! Got my package from Judy today!!!!! I was sooo excited!! I had to have my daughter come and join the fun -- I think she was a tickled as I was!!
Here's the rundown... I've tried to load a pic but cannot get the memory size down enough on this Dell.
sorry about that.
J --
Jingle Cat Tag for Jack the Pirate Cat This a absolutely adorable!! and since Jack will not wear a collar -- we have made it into one of our most special tree ornaments!!! AT the bottom of course so he can play with it!!
O --
Ontario 2010 Milk Calendar AND Recipe Cards with some of Judy's own recipes -- Love the calendar.. but its chock full of REAL recipes as are the cards!! We've already picked some out to try.
Y --
Yellow Gold FQ --- and also 3 other beautiful fabrics thrown in!!
E --
Essential Threads, Black and White -- perfect!!! I was out of black entirely! and definitely ESSENTIAL!!
U --
Useful Pin Cushion and Thread Catcher -- OK Judy -- you totally threw me on this one.. It took me a good 3-4 minutes to figure out what it was! I'm such an idiot! LOL!! But I adore it!!
X --
Xmas Snow Globe with MY NAME Cheryl on it!!! :O We can NEVER find stuff with my name -- this is soooo cool!!!
N --
Needed Notion -- Fray Check... I use this stuff like crazy in the shop!! THANKS!!!
O --
Ornament Christmas Mug (already has coffee in it!!!! LOL!!!)
E --
Eye-catching Quilted Placemats.. Oh Judy -- you did a BEAUTIFUL job.. I am sooo honored. I love, love LOVE THESE!!
L --
Lavender Scented Party-Lite Candles -- those are waiting for my next Calgon bath!
In addition to these things... Judy sent along a bag of yummy chocolate kisses and werthers candies -- some of which are COFFEE flavored!! YUMMY!!!
Also -- 5 Fons and Porters quilting magazines which I can't wait to curl up in my chair tonight and start reading!!!! A Christmas Card topped it all off and everything was wrapped so pretty... I am soooo touched by the time and thought you gave to this... Thank you Judy... I love it all!!! OH yeah -- and she included the "list" for me in a seperate envelope marked.. "Open Last" with a smiley face on it!! ROFL!! By the time I opened it -- I was PRAYING it would be the "legend" to the letters cause I could NOT figure them out!!!! It was aLOT of fun!!! Thanks again Judy!!!!