by sewingrandma on Fri Apr 12, 2013 2:41 pm
Has anyone been following this show? It is only shown in GB but there are you tube videos of it out there. So far I have seen 2 of the 4 shows. The theme of the show is they started with 8 amateur sewist (they don't get paid for their work) and each week 2 are voted off. They have to make a garment from a pattern they are given in a set time frame, first week it was an A line skirt and 2nd was a pair of mens trousers. They can pick the fabric, embellishments etc for this garment. They also have to make a garment to fit a living model, one week it was a dress and the next a fancy blouse, pattern fabric etc is their choice, all in a set time frame plus they have 1 hour to do a requested change to a RTW garment week one it was to alter the neckline of a cotton woven top and the second was to add pockets of some type to a skirt. I love the show and watching how the different sewist react to the time frame, the thought processes used to make the alterations to RTW and the fun they all appear to be having plus it really puts me back in the mood to do more sewing for myself.