I want to make a 10 yard tiered skirt (ten yards at the hem) and read on one site that they recommend tissue cotton because it's light weight. I've searched and can't find a fabric called tissue cotton. Anyone know another name it might be called? I was thinking a cotton batiste might work, but wondered if the "tissue cotton" was even more light weight. A skirt that full could be quite heavy in the wrong fabric. Any other fabric suggestions and where to get them?
BTW, I'm probably going to use these directions and pleat the gathers rather than the zig-zag over dental floss and pull method that I've done in the past. http://www.wiggle.org.uk/skirt.htm The fabric type used in these directions would be much too heavy for me to wear so I want to go with the lighter fabric suggested on other directions.
I don't have a ruffler, which would probably be the easiest way. Maybe I'll get one if I decide to make more than one or two of these skirts. Of course dd wants one too.