re; adjustable neck lanyards

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re; adjustable neck lanyards

New postby crazzeesewing on Sat May 10, 2014 9:01 pm

ok....... I tried googling adjustable neck lanyards and was getting all sorts of ones I did not want.... I want a lanyard that can adjust it's length. from short to long... I have to wear one at work and it hangs to long for me... I more looking for one that adjusts length like a bra strap that I can make myself. any suggestions would be helpful...cause I am drawing a blank for some reason.... I see it my head but when I go to make it.... it gets lost in the making.

thank you,
crazzeesewing...... regina
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Re: re; adjustable neck lanyards

New postby MartySews2 on Mon May 12, 2014 3:45 am

Regina, you could buy a mesh strap (sold at Hancock Fabrics or JoAnn's or even WallyWorld) and add some rings to it to adjust the length. These straps are usually used for making handles for purses and are not that wide. Here is a YouTube tutorial on making an adjustable strap
Marty ;)
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