brother 1034d cutting issues

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brother 1034d cutting issues

New postby ambercg33 on Tue Feb 11, 2014 8:49 pm

i just changed the blades in my serger and it's cutting beautifully now, expect when i do this one certain turn! I make diapers and all the other turns are just fine, but for some reason this one turn, it's eating it up. I've tried it over and over and it keeps doing it
Can anyone suggest something?
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Re: brother 1034d cutting issues

New postby MartySews2 on Tue Feb 11, 2014 10:17 pm

Have you cleaned the lint from the blade area? It looks like the fabric is bunching as you turn your curves and the lint is getting caught in the stitching. Be sure to vacuum out the looper area of your serger and change your needles. Just some thoughts.
Marty ;)
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Re: brother 1034d cutting issues

New postby ambercg33 on Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:32 am

Yeah it's nice and clean. What your actually seeing is bamboo fleece and velour all tangled up. (That's the fabric i use)
I will try changing my needles!
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Re: brother 1034d cutting issues

New postby sewingrandma on Wed Feb 12, 2014 8:37 am

Welcome to the community. Come often.
Is your serger only having problems with that fabric combo or just that curve in all your diapers? Is that curve thicker than the other edges of the diaper? I know sometimes if I take a curve too fast with my serger it will chew up fabric especially if I have multiple layers of thick fabrics. My top blade will also get out of alignment every once in a while and will start to chew up fabric at strange times, meaning it will cut clean then chew, then cut clean etc. The pin that locks the blade in place fell out and wasn't noticed until the blade kept slipping out of alignment and the pin I have now isn't tight enough to keep it in place all the time. I have to be careful and watch and adjust it back and push the replacement pin in harder.
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Re: brother 1034d cutting issues

New postby ambercg33 on Wed Feb 12, 2014 9:14 am

ok so maybe i didn't put the blades in correctly. That's the perfect way to describe it "chewing" my fabric.
The corner isn't any thicker than the other parts of the diaper and the other curves look beautiful, it's just this one curve. So maybe it is the alignment.
I will rethread, change needles and reinstall blades today. Maybe that will fix the problem.
I just ordered another set of blades incase i got a bum blade this time.

Thanks everyone. I'll let you know if that fixed it
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Re: brother 1034d cutting issues

New postby LeapFrog Libby on Wed Feb 12, 2014 11:18 am

Another thing to consider.. When I am serging layers and go around a curve, sometimes the top layer will slip. And the results will look like that photo. So, I very carefully pin all layers and sew it very carefully so as not to get a pin in the way of needles or cutters. Otherwise I hold the layers firmly as I feed into the curve. I do practice this kind of thing with scraps before I try a new technique. It helps..
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Re: brother 1034d cutting issues

New postby ambercg33 on Wed Feb 12, 2014 11:25 am

Ok Thanks. Ill keep an eye on that!
I've been sewing this same diaper and same materials for two years. This is the first time I've had problems. I guess I'm lucky in that sense. Lol
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Re: brother 1034d cutting issues

New postby ambercg33 on Wed Feb 12, 2014 1:31 pm

i'm happy to say that something worked. :)
I cleaned it really well, changed both needled, re-threaded it and put the blades on again and now it's purring like a kitten.
Thank you both for taking the time to give me some suggestions. I guess i should have done all that before i asked the question. :)
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Re: brother 1034d cutting issues

New postby MartySews2 on Wed Feb 12, 2014 1:44 pm

That's okay Amber ... I change my serger needles with each new project or 10 hours of sewing on them. I also use the correct size needle for the fabric. It can make a world of difference. Am glad that it all worked out and hope that you will post pics of your projects. We all love eye candy (even diapers). :lol:
Marty ;)
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Re: brother 1034d cutting issues

New postby sewingmom on Thu Feb 13, 2014 7:26 am

Amber, we'd love to see your work.
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