by bridesmom on Sat Oct 27, 2012 12:45 pm
I'll be glad too cause I'm getting really tired of all the ads and the news all about the election and candidates and the backstabbing and the comments. Not that it only happens in the US. We get our fair share of it come election time as well. Why do politicians need to act like little kids with the name calling, dirt slinging stuff? Why don't they tell us what they plan on doing rather than badmouthing their opponents?? And why don't they do what they tell us they are going to do? And why do they not answer our questions, but change the subject?
Get out there though and vote, cause it's your right to vote, and both countries fought long and hard for the right to vote, to have a say in how our countries are run!
Go Canucks!
Asking a quilter to mend something is like asking Picasso to paint your garage