Quick Links to Best of their Basics

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Quick Links to Best of their Basics

New postby HeyJudee on Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:10 pm

I get a weekly newsletter from Sew4Home. Just noticed that last week they had a day with links to their best basic tips. Thought I'd post the link to their page in case others would like to check them out sometime.

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Re: Quick Links to Best of their Basics

New postby MartySews2 on Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:24 pm

Thanks Judy. We were talking about this website last night at the Smocking Guild meeting. Another one is sew4less.com which has a lot of project ideas.
Marty ;)
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Re: Quick Links to Best of their Basics

New postby temom on Wed Oct 10, 2012 4:51 pm

Marty, is that the right website? I could not find even one project.

Judy, thanks. I bookmarked it so I can look at it tonight-
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Re: Quick Links to Best of their Basics

New postby MartySews2 on Wed Oct 10, 2012 7:05 pm

Theresa, I went to sew4home.com and found the quick links for all types of sewing techniques. At sew4less.com, it is a site for purchasing items at a lower cost. Sorry, I learned of the site last night at the smocking guild & thought that it had patterns. I was on my way out of the door when I posted so didn't look at the site closely. Sorry to be misleading.
Marty ;)
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